We the You!
Track practice, nice sunny day, a little on the chilly side perfect day for a run.  The everything is just fine we run a half-mile warm up laps.  then some warmups, then we run a quarter mile backwards, it starts raining lightly, the harder, remember this all came outta nowhere!  and then i hails lightly, then it is hailing heavily and we are all in t0shirts and shorts and freezing, AND IN PAIIIIIIN!!!! we finnish (or some not) the run and hid OUTSIDE! WHille the wussy softball and lacrosse players go  hide! HA

the entire team now no longer enjoys running backwards
well hopefully the episode will be up by the end of today .
Once it is please com,ment, we have it fully recorded and we are just waiting for you to laugh and comment in the box at the bottom of the episodes screen. 
I want to let all high schoolers and (hopefully) entreprenuers about this club investeen where teen's (duh)  leavrn about investing (double duh)
also I would like to say about  Norwoods post yes her brother really did write that. 

Anybody else think that it is strange that people say "cross my heart and jope to die"?
Most people don't want to die.  let alone HOPE to die.  or do they mean if they were lying...


Ryrare Mercer --Youth at large
EVry-one go to ezahra.com she's awsome!!!!
Ok and the strangest thing happened in geometry, my teacher was asking for the answer to a question (and silly me I spaced out and forgot a ton of stuff (I got it right by the way:)))and she told the guy "I'm not asking for the question!"

Uuuuuuhhhh... yes you are!!!

I'm watching the Odyesse ( I spelled that wrong didn't I ) in english and Odysseus!!! You naughty boy, you have a wife!
And since when do you get away threatening an immortal godesses wife!??
this was designed by me and actually shown in Vancouver, Dedicated to Norwood, May your grandmother light up the sky for you
I enchourage anybody to make there own design and comment with a link to it!
Little update now that i got that out of my system.  I have been listening from some songs from !# the musical and I think this song make growing up in reality seem  much easier, cllick on the video below, (i did not film thias the credits go to whoever filmed it for filming it and the actors.  (all teens))
Props to "evan"
Everyone has Now read About Norwood. 
yeah can't say really to much about that. 
As promised i will tell more about Percy JAckson
Read more but warning spoilers

Hey Happy Valentines day! Hope no one was too lonly. 
hey have you heard of the NEw percy Jackson movie? Its about a sixth grader who finds out about his Dad...AT least I Hope it is 'cause that was a really big part of the book and if they don't put it in then there is NO FRICKIN' POINT to the entire movie. 
I'll tell more about the movie next post. 
Hey, Ryrare here.  This is my blog and I talk about anything and everything...Ok not everything, but it'll seem random at times...Our message is that three girls can be funny and people miss out in real life, -- OK well thats MY message, I don't know bout the other two.
 Whatever Norwood said about us, do not always believe her.

Ryrare Mercer   Youth at large 

unny, haha, jokes, politics, satire, we, the, you, are, we the you, weareyou, youths, !, Norwood, Hammy, ham, Ryrare, mercer, at, large, weebly, We, the, are, you, !, cast, Ryrare, mercer, Hammy, Norwood, dnw, episode, awesome, haha, funny, why do you read the tags, youth, at large, files, read, at, your, own risk, weebly, Hullaballo, .com, wetheyou.weebly.com, is anybody watching, If you read the tags subscribe to our channel, never drink and drive, look both ways before you cross, the is the most common word used in the English language, random, shoe!, Candy!, Fail, webshow, web, show