We the You!
I am officially a writer, er reader so far.  I'm now on  assosiated content, if you could just folloqw this link http://www.associatedcontent.com/audio/19622/tips_for_school.html?cat=25 

You can hear my tips for school (can somebody tell me if it is ujnderstandable good and do i sound weird?)
just pleeeeeeeeeese leave a comment, and suggest it to any parents who might need help! I want people to view what i submit, i just saw it, and it STILL says 0 views, what am i chop liver!?
8/4/2010 07:14:24 am

Now i have an article up as well, check it out, I'm a writer!

8/4/2010 11:25:22 am

Since im noit goona upload two blog posts in one day, new episode is up!

8/6/2010 03:17:52 pm

Just so ya know, I think the linkis broken

8/6/2010 03:58:27 pm

Nope, it works, maybe ur compus broken


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